If you’re a coach, energy healer or thought leader, you may be working too hard in your spiritual business (for far too little money).

You’re invited to attend the next LIVE INFO SESSION to find out about the only Mastermind in the world designed for you to employ leverage so you work less and create dramatically more…


Money Magick:

How to create infinite wealth doing what you LOVE and were BORN to do. A new 12-week coaching program with KAISI

The Money Mastermind:

It’s not possible to reach significant FINANCIAL peaks and keep company with the same people. A change in circle is required. We are that circle.

Are You Ready For The Mastermind?

If you’re a spirit led business woman who desires to infuse your spiritual business with repeat income of $10k+/month, THIS IS FOR YOU…

Here’s What This Mastermind Is All About:

  • Magick

    Rev. Val has taught Magick, Money & Metaphysics to millions of viewers on YouTube for over 14 years and has rare and unique insights as to why we do NOT use our magick: fear. When you’re ready to stop being afraid of your power-filled Self and come out of the proverbial broom closet, this Mastermind will elevate you with money and wealth rituals that are not taught anywhere else.

  • Money

    As a former financial advisor with American Express and a Bitcoin Specialist, Rev. Val is a master teacher on finance, money manifestation and wealth creation. If you are intentionally ready to create a major uplevel in your financial world, or you’re moving to the Bitcoin Standard in your life and business, or you’re ready to leap up to your apex in wealth creation, the Mastermind is the perfect fit for you.

  • Destiny

    If you’re at a job, or in a business that you know is not your soul’s purpose and calling, it’s timef or a major re-assessment. What does your soul long to do? What stops you from doing it? What destiny are you here to create? What’s stopping you? When will you step out and shine? Though you’re an infinite being, your life in this realm is not eternal. You have a job to do, and a prescribed amount of time in which to do it. If you’re ready, the Mastermind is here to support you in shining full on in your purpose.

  • Business

    As an entreprenuer, investor and business woman for over 20 years, Rev. Val brings you soulfull, dynamic and highly profitable business systems that WORK and keep you off the hamster wheel and prevent burn out while you create infinitely more revenue and wealth. If you’re a Spiritpreneur, Solopreneur, Coach, Energy Healer, Professional Witch or any service based professional who’s here to effect massive transformation with clients, this Mastermind is absolutely for you with the focus on recurring revenue that frees your hands and creative spirit to do so much more that you truly desire to do.

  • Your Next Steps

    ONLY if you’re ready, willing and able to move forward with power packed transformation in your world: including money, business, destiny, relationships and body (yes, this Mastermind is HOLISTIC), your next step is to text us so that you can receive a link to the application.

    After your application has been received and reviewed, we’ll reach out to you via email with next steps.

  • You Could Wait...

    Of course, you could wait and not take action now. Yet, something guided you here. There’s a reason you’re reading these words. If you KNOW you can express much more in your life and world than you currently are, and know your divine potential is yet to be unleashed, TEXT US NOW. We’re here to provide the community, training, resources, a suite of business tools, and business and life coaching required for your ultimate UPLEVEL.

  • A New Circle

    It’s not possible to reach significant new levels in your life and keep company with the same people you’ve been keeping company with.

    A change in circle is required. The Mastermind is full of spiritual practitioners, coaches, energy healers and thought leaders like you who are committed to creating SIGNIFICANT RECURRING REVENUE that reoccurs whether they work or not.

    If you’re looking for a new circle of producers who desire so much more, you’ve found that circle. (Check back here for pictures and links to some of our current Mastermind members.)

  • How We Do What We Do

    You may be wondering how we uppwillrt you in creating $10k/month for yourself. Excellent question.

    We use a subscription box model. This subscription box is curated from 400 holistic health and wellness products and is curated by you to fit your branding and messaging. (We help you craft this to divine perfection.)

    Additionally, you and your client are free to fully customize their subscription box to address their current health and wellness goals. This is the ultimate in healing, with you receiving recurring revenue from every subscription box, without you having to create, ship or deliver products. In our business model, even customer service is taken care of for you.

If you desire to learn more about the mastermind & how to be in a circle of powerhouse spiritual practitioners who are highly compensated to do what they love, APPLY NOW & we hope to see you soon!

Client Success Stories

Have you received coaching from Rev. Valerie Love? Or participated in one or more of our transformative programs?

We would LOVE to hear from you!

Would you share your success story with us? Sharing your transformation Experience helps more clients receive the transformation and radical uplevel they’re seeking. You are appreciated!